As one of the most unique continents, Europe is filled with rich culture, delicious foods, ancient history, and stunning architecture. With travel becoming cheaper and more available, it’s time to get a trip to Europe planned! There are so many reasons why Europe should be your next travel destination, but here are a few to get your wanderlust going!
Europe is full of beauty and history! The continent is full of ancient buildings and landmarks, ranging from the Parthenon in Greece to the Colosseum in Rome. The oldest buildings in the U.S. date back to the 1500s while the buildings in Europe date back thousands of years ago. There is so much to see and learn and where else do you get to walk through living history?

Everywhere has delicious food, but nothing quite hits the spot like European cuisine. Whether it’s Italian pizza, Belgium Fritas, or Finish sausages, there are so many unique dishes that everyone must try. Their snacks and pastries are delicious and cafes can be found on every corner. With so many different cultures and countries, there is so much to try and experience!

If you think American chocolate is the best, then you really need to take a trip to Europe. The chocolate in Europe is some of the greatest you’ll experience! It’s sweeter and smoother than anything we have in the U.S. They have varieties and flavors that go far beyond the average Hersey’s bar! The more we go, the more we miss the chocolates of Europe. A backpack of chocolate made it home with us last time and we still wish we had more!

Whether you like medieval cathedrals, festive pedestrian streets, or even renaissance castles, Europe has it all. From old to new, there are so many amazing things to see and places to visit! Even simple cities have perfect streets full of markets and shops and beautiful buildings surrounding it all. Our favorites have been the gothic and medieval cathedrals and the streets that crisscross through the cities. They’re full of history and beauty.

Where in the world can you get so many cultures in one place? While the U.S. has its different regions, it’s nothing like the culture you’ll experience throughout Europe. The many languages, traditions, and histories combine to create amazing people and cultural experiences. The overall culture of Europe tends to be far more laid back than that of the U.S. We work our lives away while they take more breaks and enjoy relaxing. Their shops close earlier, they take off for lunch, and overall they appear to be less stressed than the average American.

There are few experiences more amazing than trains through the Swiss Alps, river cruises through Germany, or dollar flights from north to south. Transportation throughout Europe is beautiful and abundant. Whether it’s a train, boat, or bus, it’s extremely accessible and it makes seeing all corners of the continent a breeze! And once you’re in the Schengen area, border crossings are easy and effortless.

Getting out of your comfort zone
Yes, you can do this in your own country, no you don’t need to travel to do it, but yes traveling to Europe is a great way to do it. While Europe is filled with many languages and cultures, they have a lot in common with the US. Majorities speak English and it’s similar enough you don’t have to throw yourself into a new world. Give it a shot and you’ll be amazed at the confidence and comfort you’ll feel going to new places.

Without a doubt, Europe should be your next travel destination! It’s an amazing continent with so much to offer! So what are you waiting for? Make those dreams a reality and get traveling!
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If you’ve been, what do you love about Europe?